TereGen landscape generator

I started out with a fairly flat terrain on the first two, and used the editing tools to lower the landscape to ready it for the addition of water. I then raised the water level to +10 meters. Next I again used the terrain editing tools to raise the land to create the mountain range. The fun part was getting the grass and snow to appear to my satisfaction. I used the stock landscape and added the first child, or layer, as a reddish rock. The next child was a light red rock for added character followed by a layer or green for grass. I set a minimum and maximum level, figuring that a grass covered mountain would be a bit TOO weird! It took a little experimentation to get the minimum height correct. It was either to high or not high enough. Ah, but practice makes perfect (I hope!!). The last child was a modified snow field. I set a minimum height of 1200 meters so the snow wouldn't touch the water, and off I went to render land.

For the second set, I started by changing the angle of the sun. I moved it to the foreground facing the camera. I also changed the atmosphere by changing the refraction ratios to enhance the effects of red in the sunset. I also added a little more red to the sun itself. I simply lowered the sun for the fantastic sunset featured in the fourth picture

For the last four pics, I simply moved the camera around and tried some different angles. I changed the angle of the sun a few more times, also.

Teragen Landscape generator
Afternoon 1 Afternoon 2 Reflections from the side.. Sunset at sea..
Afternoon 1 Afternoon 2 Reflections Sunset at Sea
Peak at sunset Reflections
Peak at Sunset Reflections

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